Michigan Honey Festival
Photo Contest
Subject of photo must be honey or pollinator related.
Photos must be an unframed 5X7 print (color or B&W)
All photos must be taken by the person entering the photo
Images can be taken with a camera or cell phone
On the back of each photo, legibly print:
Full Name
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Important information:
Youth (12 & under), Teen (13-17), Adult (18+)
Submissions Accepted: 10am-12pm, Sat., July 15, 2023
Submission Drop Off: Information Table
Judging will be completed by the American Honey Princess following close of submissions.
You must pick up your photos by 5pm on Sunday at the information table. If they are not claimed, they will become property of the Michigan Honey Festival and will be added to the photo gallery
Ribbons will be given to the first and second place winners in each category.
Photo Gallery
We would love to collect some photos for our photo gallery! You can bring them to the Honey Festival (preferably Saturday Morning) and leave them at the information table, or contact us to work something else out. Here are some rules for the gallery:
Photos should contain at least one of the following: bees, comb, hives, honey, or other pollinators.
Framed photos are not allowed. This includes matte board.
At this time, photos brought to us will become the property of the Michigan Honey Festival for display in future years.