Michigan Honey Festival
Honey Judging (aka: Honey Show)
Beekeepers, bring in your honey to get an idea of what a honey show is like! Get your liquid honey or beeswax judged! See the list of rules below as well as some tips to help you score higher. Ribbons to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, plus a best in show ribbon. The best in show will also be added to a perpetual plaque to be displayed at the table every year!
RULES for the 2023 Michigan Honey Festival Show:
All entries must have been produced within the last 12 months
All honey entries will have three of each item. Only liquid entries accepted: three one-pound jars. Exhibitors are allowed one entry per class/color grade.
Color grades are to be determined by the show superintendent, whose decision is final.
Entries must have no identifying labels or marks on the entries other than marks placed on them by show officials.
The show superintendent may refuse entries for reasons he or she believes are just.
All entries must be entered and in place before the program begins on Sunday. Entries should be submitted by noon on Sunday. Judging will begin at 1:00pm on Sunday.
All entries must be exhibited in clear glass or plastic. In case of a tie and no other way can be found to break the tie, glass will be judged over plastic. Standard honey jars (Gamber, Queenline, etc.) are acceptable. No other jars (canning, jelly, etc.) will be accepted.
Metal or plastic caps may be used.
Beeswax - 2 classes
Three one-pound blocks
Artistic presentation that shall use a minimum of one pound of beeswax.
Decisions of the judge(s) are final.
Entries not picked up by 5pm on Sunday become the property of the Michigan Honey Festival
Each jar should be identical to the next (weight, color, etc.).
Make sure your jars are clean - no fingerprints or smudges.
Don't tip your jars or turn them upside down.
Learn to Prepare a Honey Show Entry
Attendees, beekeeper or not, feel free to stop by the booth and ask questions about honey shows and what is considered in the process of judging everything from honey to wax to candles and more!
BEEKEEPERS: If you would like to have your honey judged, please feel free to bring in your entries and get some one on one tips and pointers. Below is a list of what can be submitted to a full Honey Show, known as classes, in a competition and the requirements that go with them:
Liquid honey - divided into subclasses by color: 3 one pound containers per entry
Chunk Honey: 3 one pound containers per entry
Comb Honey
Round, section, cassette or cut comb: 3 entries packaged in clear container on top and bottom. Wood sections may be in removable cardboard box.
Full Frame: one entry in container clear on both sides.
Creamed Honey: 3 one pound containers per entry
Beeswax block: 3 blocks of any shape, minimum one pound each block.
Artistic beeswax: one entry, minimum one pound of wax
Candles: one entry, minimum 8oz. of wax
Pollen: one entry, minimum 8oz. of pollen
Propolis: one entry, minimum 8 oz. of propolis
NOTE: Glass jars score higher than plastic.